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Ovinrbaane, Enemy of All Enemies

Source Artifacts and Legends pg. 60, Pathfinder #34: Blood for Blood pg. 52
Aura strong evocation CL 20th
Slot none; Price —; Weight 12 lbs.


Alignment CN; Ego 25
Senses 60 ft.
Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 15
Communication empathy
Dedicated Powers wielder gains freedom of movement and dispel magic (CL 20th) against opposing attacks and effects (the dispel magic power attempts to dispel any offensive effect only once and only as it first takes effect on the sword's wielder)
Special Purpose defeat/slay all
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th, concentration +19)
3/day - aid
1/day - modify memory


Ovinrbaane (literally translated as “enemy of all enemies”) is a cursed, intelligent +3 wounding greatsword. When Ovinrbaane succeeds at a contest of will (Core Rulebook 535), it uses modify memory to mislead its wielder into believing he’s the barbarian warlord Armag and that anyone around him who isn’t obviously a member of his tribe is a mortal enemy. The cursed greatsword also slowly changes the features of the wielder over the course of several days or even weeks to appear as those of the original Armag. If left unchecked, these powers seemingly bring the warlord back to life, recreating the savage warrior it deems to be its own true wielder.


To destroy Ovinrbaane, its wielder must bring it to the Boneyard and strike three blows against his own gravestone, causing the sword to shatter.